16 Great Questions for Your Appraisals

Posted by Julie • September 19, 2013 (Last modified December 13, 2022) • 1 min read

Looking for a way to get good feedback from your Appraisals? Ask good questions. Here are some of the questions we’ve seen and liked:

  1. What would you like your next position to be? How do you think you can best work toward reaching that goal?
  2. Are there elements that would be helpful for your job or career development? Is there training you would like to receive?
  3. What long-range goals would you set for yourself? Are you working toward reaching those goals now?
  4. How is your current job preparing you for the goals you have set for yourself?
  5. What needs to happen for you to find our planned appraisal meeting really motivational?
  6. How would you evaluate your performance against the agreed objectives?
  7. What have been your key achievements and successes?
  8. What areas for development have you identified? How can we best meet those development needs?
  9. Are there challenges facing the team or business that will require new or revised performance objectives?
  10. Are there any performance objectives you think are no longer appropriate, or need revision?
  11. What went well over the last year?
  12. Did you creatively use resources this years to achieve goals or solve problems? Please describe.
  13. How did you work with your team or others to achieve goals?
  14. Nobody’s perfect. Please reflect upon something that could have gone better. Is there anything you would do differently?
  15. Think ahead. What goals may have been pushed out that you may want to accomplish next, and how?
  16. What is one area you feel we can get better as a company? How would you improve this?

Still need more? View our blog post Great Performance Review Questions for Leaders.

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