Data-Driven Organizations One of the most challenging things we face as leaders is gathering and acting on data. Data shows us the good results and the bad results…giving us the opportunity to remedy or double down on our paths. In organizations, we see data and claim we are “data-driven” to act. The ability to act…
As leaders, one of the toughest things we face is setting clear expectations, gaining alignment from others, and creating structures for accountability. And, if we have set expectations, we need to expect everyone to be accountable to them. So let’s do this together, leaders! (No surprise I’m writing this to rally myself!) What Is An…
Today in one of my CEO peer groups, a fellow leader posed a question: How do you survey your internal leadership teams for feedback? What do you ask? What are great performance review questions for leaders? What a great question for someone who is always looking for the best annual review questions, questions to ask during…
What happens when HR leaders embrace human data? This is the time for HR to stay in the seat at the table. We’ve wanted it. We’ve got it. Finding, Hiring, and Retaining talent will not get easier. It will be different. We know our world will not go back to what it was, yet hope is…
At Trakstar, we’ve been talking about expectation setting and how to align our teams and company overall. This year, I thought it might be helpful to outline what we expect from our employees as a remote company – because here we are. And, being 100% remote is different from what we’ve been in the past….
Reflecting on the lessons of 2022, it’s clear we’re at the dawn of a new labor cycle; not only has the hiring market bounced back from the disruption of early 2020, but now many organizations are finding themselves short on talent. This year, the so-called Great Resignation led organizations to launch new recruitment strategies that…