Posted by Taylor • August 25, 2016 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 3 min read
From a corporate perspective, it is important to have your employees understand how their day-to-day tasks ultimately affect the overall company, and its overhanging goals. One of the best ways to share these corporate goals, and build parallels to an employee’s day-to-day, is to use performance management software.
Performance management software, when used to share company goals and values, can be extremely valuable in the way of teaching an individual employee exactly where they fit into the company, and why their contribution matters. It can help clearly share expectations, tools, and feedback to help make sure that one’s contribution to the company is understood and executed upon in the most efficient way. The reasons mentioned above are why employee’s want performance management software; they want to know that what they are doing matters.
Read More About Purpose of Performance Management
Utilizing tools such as goal setting, 360-Degree Feedback, and position descriptions are all ways to clearly layout how one helps the company overall. Find a description of each tool and why it is helpful below.
Goal setting is a great way for an employee to explicitly lay out what they want to achieve in their role, and an even better way to have the conversation about why their goals are important to the company. Using “If this, then that” statements, can be an efficient way for an employee to understand how their individual goal can help the company overall. The more an employee understands why their goals important, the better chance they have at achieving their goals.
Read More About Helping Your Employee Succeed
More often than not, companies are sharing teams, supervisors, and employees in different sectors of the company to share strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and achieve goals as efficiently as possible – this may make sense to the executive level team, but is not always understood by the individual employee. 360-Degree Feedback is a wonderful way, for other supervisors and peers to share with an individual why it was important they did the work they did, and why it’s important they continue to collaborate. It helps an individual feel that even if they strayed away from their day-to-day tasks that their direct manager is typically involved in, that the new work they have been doing is just as important to the overall goal(s) of the company.
Position descriptions, as minor as they can seem at sometimes, are a great way to qualitatively describe what an employee is responsible for on a daily basis. As mentioned above, Statements built around the “If this, then that” framework can be particularly helpful in this case, in stating if an employee does one thing on a daily basis, then that is going to help reach “x” goal within the company. Position descriptions are also helpful for supervisors as a quick reminder for what each direct report should be consistently responsible for within their team.
In conclusion, when used properly, performance management software is a win-win for the company and the employee. You are giving the employee purpose, while simultaneously helping your company achieve the goals that have been set for itself.
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