Posted by Michelle • March 17, 2016 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 3 min read
Last time we discussed manager-driven performance appraisal methods and what some of the more commonly used ways are to track and rate employee performance. Now, we are diving into peer and employee-driven methods because it’s important for employers to have a performance appraisal process that comes full circle.
It’s just as important to see how employers, managers, and peers are performing from the employee’s viewpoint as it is to manage employee performance. Did you know, according to Gallup research, only 1 in 10 people possess the talent to manage and 82 percent of the time, employers hire the wrong candidates to manage? Enter, 360-Degree feedback.
360-Degree Method: This common method gives every employee the chance to share their opinions anonymously on how effectively they feel their peers, managers, supervisors, etc., perform in some predetermined areas of assessment. It’s best supported by employee evaluation software with real-time feedback capabilities and journaling features for employees to jot down notes throughout the year. This is an incredibly valuable performance appraisal method that helps improve overall organizational performance and makes employees’ opinions feel valued.
For example: The social media team may be struggling to meet their goals as a department and, unknown to their manager, it’s partly due to a strong lack of communication. 360 Degree feedback gives the team a chance to share the kind of information that is unlikely to come up in their individual performance reviews.
Self-evaluative performance appraisal methods seem to be the easiest to put on the backburner, but they shouldn’t be. Recent research has found workers today are not very self-aware and the presence of low self-aware individuals can cut the chances of team success in half.
Employee Journaling: Perhaps the greatest way to reflect on past performance is by keeping a journal. Employees are encouraged to journal about their projects, struggles, strengths, and accomplishments. Having employee evaluation software that supplements employee journaling with real-time feedback helps employees attack areas of concern as they occur with the help and guidance of their manager.
For example: Sara has been journaling about her writing habits for the past six months and can now see how her skill has evolved, where she went wrong in the beginning and what she’s doing exceptionally well now. Understanding these recollections is empowering and rewarding.
Self-Evaluation Method: This takes employee journaling a step further for an even greater sense of self-awareness. Managers ask employees to rate their own performance on a set of skills, competencies, and any other relevant criteria. Then, managers have the chance to work to reconcile their own evaluation with the employee’s, providing employees with clearer idea of where their strengths and weaknesses lie.
For example: Sean is the team lead on a client project, but his manager feels he’s become something of a micromanager with his teammates. On leadership skills, Sean rates himself with an 8, but his manager rates him as a 5. Now, his manager is able to sit down with him and work on those qualities Sean may need to work on.
Having the performance appraisal process come full circle gives employees the chance to voice their own concerns and ultimately get on the same page when it comes to performance progress. These methods are great for increasing self-awareness and make employees feel that their opinions are valued and taken into consideration. It’s important that performance conversations are a two-way street.
Let Trakstar help optimize your company’s performance appraisal process. Sign up for your employee evaluation software demo today!
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