How to Give 360 Degree Feedback About Performance to Your Manager Effectively

Posted by Julie • August 2, 2016 (Last modified January 29, 2021) • 3 min read

Using a 360 degree feedback system has many benefits to your team and organization. 41% of companies who use peer-to-peer recognition have seen positive increases in customer satisfaction. Despite these benefits, many managers and employees still find the idea alarming. We have to admit, it can be a daunting task when asked to give feedback to your superior but rest assured, there is a constructive and effective way to do so.

Giving 360 Degree Feedback About Performance to Your Manager Effectively

When giving upward feedback, it can be tempting to tell them what you would do if you were in their position but it’s important to give them feedback from your perspective within the organization, rather than theirs.

Use phrases like, “I noticed…” and “From my standpoint…” to tell your boss what is on your mind. This way you can help them see what others may be seeing and feel more connected to subordinates. It’s also important to be aware of what you don’t see your boss taking on and that your perspective has limitations. Be sure not to assume what you do not know about their position.

Say It with Class

Be sure to keep the relationship you have with your manager in mind when giving feedback. Is there trust between the two of you? If so, it will be much easier for them to receive what you have to say. Also take into consideration the wording you use. Accusations tend not to go over so well, so avoid accusations and stick to constructive criticism. Even if there may be issues between you and your boss, make sure your desire to see improvement in their performance and the organization as a whole supersedes them.

Be as Specific as Possible

When you begin to layout your feedback for your boss, start by identifying the key areas that need to be changed. The more you think about these areas before you start writing, the more comprehensive your feedback will be. Sort through the last few months and use some questions like these to help bring different behaviors to light:

  • What aspects of your boss’ leadership style could use improvement?
  • What meetings/processes/protocols could be conducted differently?
  • When did you last feel really frustrated with your manager? What happened?

Once you’ve identified these areas for improvement, look for the areas where there has been success. This can include strengths and successes you’ve seen from your boss or improvements from the last round of upward feedback. Try using these questions to get your brain going:

  • What are things do they do that are positive and should continue?
  • What do you appreciate about the leadership style of your boss?
  • How has he or she helped you improve or grow in your role?

Taking these questions into consideration will help you better specify to your boss what needs improvement and what they’re already doing well with when it comes to managing your team and other departments.

Implementing regular feedback for managers and leadership is just as important as it is for employees as there is a 14.9% lower turnover rate for companies who do so. Take these tips to give the most effective 360-degree feedback to your boss and improve their management performance today.



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