Posted by Julie • February 2, 2015 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 4 min read
When I was single, I thought my dog was like a child. When we had our first child, I thought that books on parenting made me an expert. When I ran my first race, I thought things would go according to the training plan. (And, the Seattle Seahawks thought that pass would be caught.)
As you’ve no doubt guessed, everything went exactly like that, due to my thoughtful research and planning! (Get your autographs at my “Winning at Everything” book signing, due out right after I get those five loads of laundry done and make the snack for Wednesday and visit the principal…my child said what?!? and call the electrician and…)
In this spirit, I talked with Angela Harrill at Birmingham Southern College about her recent experience managing a large implementation, the implementation of Trakstar.
Let’s start with this. Angela is extraordinary. She’s a working mom, she’s an HR Manager, she’s friendly, she’s collaborative, and she’s highly organized.
And, she just worked with her team to change a process that BSC had always done another way, their appraisals. BSC decided to go online and automate the appraisal process.
This story relates to Trakstar, but it isn’t about Trakstar. It’s about Change Management within a Large Institution with Multiple Stakeholders (who are totally receptive and excited about change, ha ha ha) and that presents a challenge for everyone.
What did Angela learn from it all? What might help the rest of us?
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