Posted by Julie • December 10, 2014 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 3 min read
Now that your appraisals are online, things flow all by themselves, right? Wrong!
Yes. Even when your system is online and automatic reminders are sent, the process still needs your personal touch. Here’s a communication plan you can use to keep performance appraisals on track in 2015. Changing behavior means creating new rhythms. This email plan will help you establish a rhythm for the coming year. (Spin the timing wheel as necessary if you don’t start in January.)
(Awareness email to all) “Just a reminder to everyone to be sure set new goals for the new appraisal cycle, etc. etc.” Include instructional PDF’s or links to video resources on how to set goals in your email.
(Awareness email to all) “Now that you have set your goals, be sure to keep them up-to-date in the online tool, etc. etc.” Include links to video resources that show to update goals.
(Awareness email to all) “Something great is sure to have happened since the beginning of the year. Did you write it down in our online performance appraisal tool? etc. etc.” Include links to video resources on how to take notes.
Ask a few managers how things are going. Have they set goals? Have they encountered any issues? No formal “survey” required. A few anecdotes will tell you what you need to know. Figure out what people need and where they are struggling, and deliver training before it’s end of year.
Refresh managers and employees on how to use the online tool, and answer any questions they may have. You can do this with a group, or individually, based on need.
Yes, it’s a repeat. But, it’s part of the rhythm.( Awareness email to all) “Now that you have set your goals, be sure to keep them up-to-date in our online tool, etc. etc.” Include links to video training modules on how to update goals.
(Awareness email to all) “Something great is sure to have happened since the beginning of the year. Did you write it down in our online performance appraisal tool? etc. etc.” Include links to video training modules on note taking.
(Awareness email to all) Include scoring windows and deadlines, and links to videos on how to score an appraisal. Example:
Make sure scoring is going well. Reiterate timelines.
Reach out to stragglers individually. Alternately, archive the appraisals that are done and get ready for 2016!
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