Posted by Kaleigh • September 24, 2019 • 4 min read
There are countless podcasts and articles out there that shed light on the negative feelings that can be associated with the performance review process. Most of us can probably relate to this feeling at some point in our careers. Most of us can also probably see the need for a performance review. Imagine if we all saw our performance reviews as a welcome guest, as an opportunity for growth and career development. With a slight shift in process and paradigm, you and your team can reap the benefits of a review process done well.
Over the years, there have been many shifts in how companies are doing performance reviews. Some well-known companies even stopped doing performance reviews altogether. Most have since reinstated reviews and have shifted their focus on to the process of coaching, and ongoing feedback throughout the year.
Initially, they made these changes because of the negative feelings that can be associated with the performance review process. Most of us can probably relate to this feeling at some point in our careers. Most of us can also probably see the need for a performance review. Imagine if we all saw our performance reviews as a welcome guest, as an opportunity for growth and career development.
So, with a slight shift in process and paradigm, you and your team can reap the benefits of a review process done well.
Let’s take a look at some ways to create a healthy and holistic approach to your review process!
Performance appraisals are a way to evaluate the progress being made by assessing and measuring the employee’s performance over time. Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, managing and developing the performance of the employees within your organization.
A holistic approach to performance management should consist of both performance reviews and performance management. Performance management when done well offers both employees and managers a clear path of professional development, self-empowerment, and a better sense of alignment with the overarching goals of your company.
This modern-day approach to performance management results in higher levels of employee engagement, employee satisfaction, retention rates, and increases overall productivity. Research has found that helping employees reach their full potential the organization as a whole will benefit from a fiscal and cultural level.
One of the reasons we commonly hear people dreading their review is due to a lack of ongoing communication and feedback leading up to the review itself. The longer we go between conversations, the more difficult and less fruitful they can seem.
Now that we know better, it’s time to do better. Many organizations find success with weekly check-ins between managers and their direct reports. With the right process in place, these check-ins can be painless and meaningful for both employees and managers.
Even if managers have only 15 minutes to connect with each employee, imagine how much more effective their time could be with a bit more context collected beforehand. Gathering continuous feedback and identifying barriers will help managers make informed decisions that will create a more effective and efficient team culture.
Ideally, your employees should feel empowered to share their vulnerabilities and grow from those moments. Additionally, managers should feel confident enough in their own strengths to help provide meaningful coaching tips to their team. If your managers aren’t here yet, don’t fret! There is a wealth of information out there to help get them up to speed.
With weekly manager check-in’s we should be able to identify areas of focus for growth and development. Now that we have collected a bit more context with our weekly 1:1’s let’s utilize this information as an opportunity to foster a richer learning environment.
Work with your team to develop their professional goals. Encourage employees to set goals that align with your company’s strategic goals. This helps employees better identify and understand how their day to day activities funnel into the bigger picture, increasing intrinsic motivation.
With a bit of effort and some behavioral coaching, your organization can reap the benefits of a solid performance management process. Changing behaviors takes time, it is an ongoing process consisting of actions and accountability.
Just like all other things in life, we get better with commitment and regular practice over time. Talk to your leadership team to learn what this process might look like your company, then grow it by following the tips provided in this article.
Curious to learn more?
Check out these articles on performance management or reach out to our team for a free live demo.
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