Posted by Julie • January 15, 2014 (Last modified June 2, 2022) • 1 min read
1. Share your core values. Again.
Post them. Talk about them. Write an email reminding employees what your organization stands for. Consider highlighting a short story about an employee that exemplified the values in his/her actions.
2. Set expectations.
Do your managers and employees know what’s expected of them in 2014? Remind employees of the competencies for which they are responsible. The new year is a perfect time to bring things forward, just for the sake of it.
3. Reteach managers how to set good goals.
It doesn’t matter many times I see examples of good SMART goals, mine always need revision. Rewording, reconsidering, updating. Ask for our whitepaper on Effective Goal Setting and share it with your managers.
4. Conduct a fresh training!
Can’t hurt to schedule a training on your appraisal processes and/or software with your employees. You may have new people, or others promoted to management positions. Make sure they know how to use your tools.
5. Revamp your Appraisal forms.
Are you measuring what you want or need to measure? Is the form participatory enough? Swap out some elements in favor of others. Make sure your Appraisal form is meeting your needs.
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