Posted by Julie • December 8, 2016 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 3 min read
If there is one thing employees want, it’s growth. Whether it be growth in their positions, or growth in their careers, having opportunities to evolve in a company are important. Keeping employees continually evolving as members of the organization is a responsibility of management. Of almost 4,300 workers, a massive 74% felt that they weren’t achieving their full potential at work. What can management do to further employee development on a daily basis? A focus on goal setting, employee appraisal and performance management is the key to employee’s current and future success.
More than 80% of small business owners don’t keep track of business goals. Why not? Goal setting is a way to guide each member of your organization down the same path. Helping to set goals in a specific role helps focus and drive the individual during the process, and better help evaluates performance at the conclusion. It’s never too early to start. 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year.
Do: Set goals for yourself, your team and each employee. Urge daily goal setting to increase productivity, further integrating goal-hitting into the work culture.
Learn: How to Improve Employee Success and Development
25% of employees would be more satisfied at work if they were given the opportunity to do what they do best. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team can better place each member where they should be. If you are noticing a slide in quality, a disengagement or overall dissatisfaction, open communication with your employee. Is the job the issue? Is it the department, or the team? Understanding the employee’s performance related to the overall organization, instead of solely the position, helps align the right employees for the right roles.
Do: Track performance weekly, or biweekly, to recognize early shifts in performance, positive or negative.
Read This: Stop Being Nice and Get Real About Performance Management
A continual, and routine, feedback source is the lifeblood of an employee. Taking the time to distribute daily, weekly or monthly feedback keeps your team heading in the right direction. Your employees will never have to worry where they stand. Have to give a tough critique? Your employees will better receive more critical feedback because of the countless times they’ve received praises for times they’ve succeeded.
Do: Feedback needn’t be just facilitated by technology. Approach employees face to face, via email or in groups to give coaching and training intermittently.
As one of the top three non-financial motivators, 76% of employees want opportunities for career growth.
As a manager, you have dedicated your time and talents to better develop your team. When your employees win, you win. Providing the pathway for advancement, evaluating and steering performance and delivering feedback are three of the pillars in development your employees can build their careers off of.
Trakstar’s goal setting, employee appraisal and performance management features come included in their 3 in 1 software suite. Isn’t it time you let your employees shine?
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