FAQ Page

1. What is the upgrade?
Upgrading puts you on the newest version of Trakstar! It will give you access to our newest features. The upgraded version of Trakstar is where all new software development will take place.
2. Do I have to upgrade?
We will be migrating all customers by the end of Summer 2014. We want the opportunity to work with you to find the best date for your organization to upgrade so talk with us to get on our calendar ASAP. Slots are filling fast! 
3. How long does it take to upgrade?
The actual migration process takes 24 hours. You may need to keep your Trakstar site inactive longer to train users as well as take this time to make optional changes to forms or processes.
4. How much does it cost?
Upgrading comes as no cost. A Customer Experience Manager will spend time getting to know your system and guide you through the upgrade process. If your organization is looking to make some form changes, but doesn’t have the time, we offer at-cost packages for custom design options where we will make desired changes for you.
5. Is the upgrade a good time to make changes to our system?
Yes! This can be a great time to re-vamp forms and update positions. Please attend a posted webinar (http://www.trakstar.com/upgrade) to learn more about making these changes in the new Trakstar.
6. How do I learn about new features and the impact to my managers and employees?
Have a look at our new training calendar! http://www.trakstar.com/upgrade