Posted by Julie • November 6, 2014 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 2 min read
Trying to decide if you should conduct Date-of-Hire (DOH) appraisals or focal point performance appraisals (everyone at the same time)?
We randomly sampled 100 customers and found 81 did Focal Point appraisals, and 19 did Date of Hire. About an 80/20 split!
Why the slant in favor of Focal Point? Both kinds of timing have their pros and cons:
*We found some organizations that do their Focal Point appraisals in interesting ways. Instead of everyone doing appraisals on the same date, some of our customers grouped things like this: all Customer Service Reps are appraised in July, all Accountants in August; Manager Smith conducts appraisals on her team in November, Manager Anderson does his team’s appraisals in December; Last names A-G in January, H-M in February, etc.
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