3 Reasons Why a Performance Review Application can Help you Handle Exceptional Performance
Posted by Michelle • April 21, 2016 (Last modified July 29, 2018) • 1 min read
If you were to ask a manager about the type of performance they worry about how to handle most, many would say performance that falls below average. Many companies have a process in place in their performance review application to handle employees that are struggling. However, most of those same processes are not equipped to handle or create a career path for those who are performing at a higher level. So what’s a manager to do? Below are three ways you can use data from your performance review application to keep those top performers happy and engaged.
1. Goals
Use the goals your employees have set to facilitate a conversation about career aspirations. Don’t be afraid to talk about career aspirations. Even if those career aspirations take the employee out of your department, it’s better to retain a high performer at your organization than lose them to a competitor.
2. Feedback
Gather feedback on the employee from senior leadership. This feedback could potentially identify a mentor for your employee within the company. This mentor can offer career advice and perspective from outside of their current department. Learn more about the do’s and don’ts of 360 reviews in one of our previous blog posts.
3. Variety
Vary their workload — and track it! Many performance reviews are hyper-focused on the details of the employee’s job description. While this works for many, it may not properly show growth and the potential for a high performer. Include Stretch Assignments and other tasks that may not be a part of their job description. These types of tasks keep the employee entertained and engaged — but don’t forget to account for these beyond-the-job-description assignments in their performance review!